Liberal Arts
Teach courses in drama, music, and the arts including fine and applied art, such as painting and sculpture, or design and crafts. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.
Jobs available locally 10,258 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $50,998 – $214,067 |
Plan or conduct art therapy sessions or programs to improve clients' physical, cognitive, or emotional well-being.
Jobs available locally 254 |
Demand Locally +4 % |
Annual Wage Range $31,706 – $208,815 |
Compile records, and sort, shelve, issue, and receive library materials such as books, electronic media, pictures, cards, slides and microfilm. Locate library materials for loan and replace material in shelving area, stacks, or files according to identification number and title. Register patrons to permit them to borrow books, periodicals, and other library materials.
Jobs available locally 395 |
Demand Locally +1 % |
Annual Wage Range $22,900 – $35,923 |
Program Level:
Pre-Majors/Transfer, Online
Program Type:
Face-to-Face, Fully Online
Creative and Communication Arts
Creative & Communication Arts
What is the Liberal Arts program?The Liberal Arts program provides exposure to a variety of disciplines while developing in-demand career skills including critical thinking, communication and computer proficiency. What will I learn?You’ll gain a strong educational foundation in a wide range of subjects across many disciplines, including literature, humanities, history, math, science, social sciences, technology and more. You’ll also develop skills in communication, critical thinking, problem solving and researching. |
What can I do with this course of study?With the general knowledge and diverse skills that a Liberal Arts degree offers, you’ll be prepared to transfer to a university to pursue a bachelor’s degree (check with your advisor for specific transfer requirements to the four-year college or university you plan to attend). Your Liberal Arts education can create a pathway to careers in business, education, law, helping professions and more. With an associate degree, you can also pursue entry-level positions in the workforce in a variety of fields, including business, retail, social services and more. What makes this program special?This SAC degree program is available fully online. In contrast to a professional, vocational or technical degree program, you’ll have maximum flexibility to study the subjects you want to achieve your goals, whether it’s a bachelor’s degree or entering the workforce. The study of Liberal Arts creates well-rounded, knowledgeable ‘global citizens’ with the capacity to pursue lifelong learning and become valuable members of their communities. |
♦ This symbol indicates the offering is also available fully online.
Contact Us
Dean of Arts and Sciences Office
Fletcher Administration Building (FAB), Room 309
(210) 486-0915