
Real Estate Management

Operate real estate office, or work for commercial real estate firm, overseeing real estate transactions. Other duties usually include selling real estate or renting properties and arranging loans.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+3 %

Annual Wage Range

$24,548 – $313,350

Rent, buy, or sell property for clients. Perform duties such as study property listings, interview prospective clients, accompany clients to property site, discuss conditions of sale, and draw up real estate contracts. Includes agents who represent buyer.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+3 %

Annual Wage Range

$21,906 – $237,919

Appraise real estate, exclusively, and estimate its fair value. May assess taxes in accordance with prescribed schedules.

Jobs available locally


Demand Locally

+0 %

Annual Wage Range

$32,944 – $164,200

Program Level:

Degrees, Certificates, Online

Program Type:

Face-to-Face, Fully Online


Business and Entrepreneurship


Business & Entrepreneurship



What is the Real Estate Management program?

This program provides a broad knowledge of the real estate business, preparing you to earn your licensure in real estate sales or to expand your career in the industry.

What will I learn?

You’ll develop the fundamental skills, knowledge, experience and attitudes to begin or expand your real estate career. Subjects include principles of real estate, property management, contracts, small business management, marketing and advertising, real estate appraisal, real estate investments, real estate finance and ethics. You’ll learn how to solve problems creatively, think critically and communicate effectively.

What can I do with this course of study?

This program will prepare you for a career helping individuals and businesses buy and sell real estate and serving as a sponsoring broker for sales, leasing and property management. You’ll be ready to pursue your real estate license or bring new skills to your current real estate career in roles such as real estate agent, real estate management, loan support, property management and sales.

What is special about this program?

Whether you take classes face-to-face or fully online, this program is designed to give you the skills and professionalism you need to succeed in many roles within the real estate industry. A Real Estate Level I certificate program is also available, preparing you for sales, leasing and property management roles in an 18-hour program (also available either in person or fully online).

Degrees and Certificates

♦ This symbol indicates the offering is also available fully online.

Texas Real Estate Commission

Requirements for becoming a Real Estate Sales Agent can be viewed on the website.

View the Requirements 


Credit for Prior Learning

The Texas Real Estate Commission requires that an applicant pass six 30-hour courses as well as the state real estate licensing exam in order to receive a Real Estate Sales Agent License in the state of Texas. The six classes required by TREC are the same ones (RELE 1406, RELE 1200, RELE 1311, RELE 1319, RELE 2301) offered in our Level 1 Certificate of Real Estate and Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences degree at San Antonio College. Once an applicant has been approved by TREC to take the state licensing exam and passes the exam, they will receive their Texas Real Estate Sales Agent License. Having a current sales agent license (or broker license) shows that the applicant has passed the six courses and has the knowledge, skills, and competence to now be called a sales agent. The SLO’s for our Level 1 Certificate of Real Estate and Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences Real Estate Management degree courses match the required competencies tested on the Texas Real Estate Licensing Exam; therefore, a student who has a current Texas Real Estate Sales Agent License (or Broker License) has met the requirements to receive Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) for the six classes in our Level 1 certificate program and the Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences degree. This process is subject to accreditation.

This document approves awarding of credit for the individual courses based on the previously awarded license/certificate; it does not ensure that credit conferred in this manner will be applied to the credit required for an award. No more than 75% of the credit hours for any award (certificate or degree) may be earned from any type of credit for prior learning.

Awarded for Prior Learning:

  • RELE 1311 – Real Estate Law of Contracts
  • RELE 1406 – Real Estate Principles
  • RELE 2301 – Law of Agency

1 of the following:

  • RELE 1303 – Rel Estate Appraisal
  • RELE 1307 – Real Estate Investments
  • RELE 1309 – Real Estate Law
  • RELE 1315 – Property Management
  • RELE 1321 – Real Estate Marketing
  • RELE 2331 – Real Estate Brokerage

Needed to establish residency at San Antonio College:

  • RELE 1200 – Contract Forms and Addenda
  • RELE 1319 – Real Estate Finance

Contact Us

Dr. Val Calvert
OC 325B
(210) 486-0190

Lupe Sierra Moreno, BBA, MA
Program Coordinator
OC 345
(210) 486-0189

Rosie Lerma
Academic Unit Assistant
OC 325C
(210) 486-1098